

samedi 8 février 2014

Benefits of Yoga...

yoga on the beach
Yoga is well-known for encouraging relaxation and improving flexibility, but more and more studies show that the practice offers benefits that go beyond the obvious. Besides easing back pain
, yoga can provide help for people suffering from a myriad of other medical conditions. Here are the benefits of yoga everyone should know about.
Better Sleep
With an increasing percentage of the population suffering from varying degrees of insomnia, this benefit of yoga is an often overlooked feature. Doing yoga few times a week helps to calm the nervous system and improve rest.
Helps to fight craving
Keeping off weight can be a bit easier with a regular yoga routine. In a study of 15,000 average-weight adults, people gained 3 fewer pounds annually over the course of 4 years if they followed a routine of half hour of yoga per week. The weight loss might be a result of a closer relationship between body and mind during yoga, helping participants to reduce overeating. Craving generally strikes when your body is tense. with a relaxing session of yoga makes it easier to consider whether or not you really need that extra candy bar.
Improves posture
Because of the fact that yoga strengthens your core, you will soon notice that your posture is improved as you practice it for a few weeks. You will walk with confidence, head held high, shoulder back and tummy in. Good posture is not only healthy, it also help you to stand taller and look more attractive.
Relieves stress
One of the well known benefits of yoga is that, if you practice yoga regularly, your stress levels are reduced. It is a part of the routine that asks you to clear your mind and focus on your breathing and body. As a result, your stress reactions will diminish, even after finishing your class.
Helps to lose weight
Yoga can help you lose weight and keep it off, too if combined with a healthy diet and as part of a regular exercise program. It is not any wonder why so many workout and weight loss DVDs include a yoga segment?
Boosts performance in the bedroom
Spice up your love with yoga poses that focus on body alignment, increase sexual desire and blood flow. Several yoga poses send blood flow directly to the pelvic region, intensifying desire and sensitivity. Moves that require balance and abdominal contraction can strengthen your core because of the focus on pelvic muscles. Whole body awareness, vital to yoga, also boosts self- confidence and makes you more assertive.
Increases muscle tone
In addition to getting and maintaining a healthy weight, yoga can also help you build lean muscle, tone and define existing muscle. This does not mean you will be over huge and buff. You will have a sexy and gorgeous silhouette.
yoga improves mental health
Sharpens mental health
Regular practice of yoga has been suggested to help with concentration and memory and even, in recent researches, it has been proven to help prevent and treat diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Is not it marvelous?
Low impact
Yoga needs a low impact to exercise that is why it is great for you if you have joint trouble. But it still is strenuous. So if you are not sure if you can handle it, ask your doctor first, and of course ease into a beginner’s course.
Keeps balance
If you, like some people, suffer from balance problem, either from inner ear issue or something else, yoga can help with this, too. It is time to begin to think there is nothing yoga can’t help with!
Pain management
Yoga is a victorious weapon in the battle against chronic pain. And, because it is not a drug and is appropriate for almost anyone, it is something considering for anyone who suffers from long-term joint, muscle, or other pain.
Full of energy
Like any other form of workout, regularly doing yoga can provide you with an energy boost in a long term. It definitely is much better than any energy drink wearing you off.
Breathing issues
One of the key benefits of yoga for many people is the fact that it can help address breathing issues, like asthma. If you suffer from asthma or other diseases such as COPD, before you start a yoga regimen talk to your doctor.

women practicing yoga
Flat stomach
Along with a sexy, round butt, yoga can also give you flat abs. Start doing a regular yoga routine and say good-bye to muffin top!
Improves blood circulation
Yoga gets blood flowing. In fact, the relaxation poses you learn in yoga help your circulation, especially in your extremities. Yoga also gets more oxygen to your organs- that’s why they function better as a result. Twisting poses are considered to wring out venous blood from internal organs and allow oxygenated blood to flow in. Inverted poses, for example, handstand, headstand, and shoulder stand, stimulate venous blood from the legs and pelvis to flow back to the heart, where it will be pumped to the lungs to be better oxygenated. This will help in case you have swelling in your legs from heart or kidney insufficiency. Yoga also increases levels of hemoglobin and red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the organs. Red cells thin the blood by making platelets less sticky and cutting the level of proteins promoting clot. This will lead to decreased risk of strokes and heart attacks since blood clots are often the main cause of those conditions.
Strengthens your arms
It is so depressing having your arm continuously flapping after you have stopped waving. But here is another benefit of yoga in address to that. Yoga can help improve your arms’ muscle tone by eliminating the unsightly arm flap.
Lovely legs
Yoga gives you gorgeous legs, with tighter thighs and nicely defined calves. Soon you will have a bikini ready body by doing yoga.
Prevents osteoporosis
It is well known that weight-bearing exercises prevent osteoporosis by strengthening bones. Many postures in yoga require lifting weight. And some help strengthen the arm bones, which are particularly defenseless in osteoporotic fractures. In one recent study yoga practice increased bone density of the vertebrae. Ability of yoga to decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol may help keep calcium in the bones. Since so many women are just prone to the dangerous fragile-bone disease, this is a great benefit of yoga.
Joint account
Every time you practice yoga, you take your joints through full range of motion. This helps prevent mitigate disability or degenerative arthritis by soaking and squeezing areas of cartilage that generally are not used. Joint cartilage looks like a sponge; it receives fresh nutrients only if its fluid is squeezed out and a new supply is soaked up. Without proper support, neglected areas of cartilage will eventually wear out, exposing the underlying bone brake pads.
yoga improves back stiffenss
No back pain and stiffness
Various medical researchers have shown that regularly practicing yoga can actually be as or even more effective than medications in the treatment of back pain and stiffness. I think it would be wonderful to move around without back pain.
Better butt
Who does not want a get round butt and whose butt does not look instantly better even by just putting yoga pants on? Practicing yoga will give you a great butt… trust me!
Heart start
If you regularly get your heart rate into the aerobic range, you will lower the risk of heart attack and can fight depression. While not all yoga is aerobic, if you do it vigorously or take classes, it can boost your heart rate into the aerobic range. But even yoga exercises that do not get your heart rate up that high can improve cardiovascular conditioning. Studies have found that practicing yoga increases endurance, lowers the resting heart rate and can improve your maximum uptake of oxygen during workout—all reflections of improved aerobic conditioning. One study found that people who were taught only pranayama could do more workouts with less oxygen.
Lymph lesson
When you stretch and contract muscles, move organs around, and come in and out of yoga postures, you increase the drainage of a viscous fluid rich in immune cells also known as lymph. Yoga helps the lymphatic system destroy cancerous cells, fight infection and dispose of the toxic waste products of cellular functioning.
Normalizes blood pressure
if you have got high blood pressure, you will benefit from yoga. Two different studies of people with hypertension compared the effects of corpse pose- savasana with simply lying on a couch. After 3 months, this pose was associated with a 25-point drop in the top number of blood pressure (systolic) and a 16-point drop in the bottom number of blood pressure (diastolic) and the higher the initial blood pressure was, the bigger was the drop.
Happy hour
Are you feeling sad? Sit in Lotus or rise up into a backbend. While it is not as simple as that, one study found that a regular yoga practice releases depression and lids to a significant increase in serotonin levels and a decrease in the levels of monoamine oxidase (an enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitters) and cortisol. At one university researchers found that in people, who mediate constantly, the left prefrontal cortex shows heightened activity, a finding which has been correlated with better immune function and greater levels of happiness. More dramatic left-sided activation was found in devoted, long-term practitioners.

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