

samedi 8 février 2014

15 Biggest Lies About Weight Loss

myth about diets
When it comes to weight loss, it is hard to separate fact from fiction. Sometimes it seems like there are 3 right answers for every question. Well, wonder no more. Read through to find out the truth behind some of the biggest myths about weight loss.

Myth №1: Low-carbohydrate diet is the best way for losing weight
If you cut out carbohydrates from the diet you will see some dramatic weight loss in a very short period. But it is not really all that healthy and it is not sustainable. Carbs are an essential part of the diet, and once you go off that diet, you are likely to regain most of the weight. Always try eating better carbohydrates, like fruits, grains, nuts, vegetables and seeds.
Myth №2: Reduce fat for losing weight
Fat makes food taste good. When it is removed from foods, a lot of the flavor is removed too. To make up for this, sugars, thickeners and chemicals are often added to enhance the flavor and texture of foods. These additives can be far fattening than full-fat foods. In addition, fat-free and low-fat labels do not mean low-calorie. All the additives have got to turn up somewhere. When looking at nutrition labels, think carefully about buying reduced fat foods. Go for fresh and whole foods or even buy the full-fat ones instead and consume in moderation.
Myth №3: Some foods can burn fat and make you lose weight
No foods can burn fat. Some of them with caffeine can speed up your metabolism and boost the way your body uses calories and energy for a short term, but they do not cause weight loss. Unfortunately, these foods are very low in calorie, and the calories you burn from chewing them are not even close to making up for the calories of the food.
Myth № 4: People gain more weight from food eaten after 8 pm
It is not any difference, whether you consume calorie at 2 pm or 2 am. It takes a little longer for your body to burn off late-night plate of pizza than it does your lunch, since you are more active during the day. The problem here is that night eaters have a tendency to overeat because they have eaten unbalanced throughout the day. If you want to cut out late night snacking, do not skimp on meals.
Myth №5: Drinking Lots of water is number one weight loser
Water is important, water is great, but it does not help you burn calories and it won’t make your fat magically disappear. Instead, try replacing some of the calorie- rich beverages with plain water; increasing your water intake alone won’t help you lose your pounds.

green tea for weight loss
Myth №6: Green-tea supplements burn fat
Green-tea extract can promote weight loss but taking a green-tea supplement or drinking cups of the tea is not likely to cause significant or lasting weight loss. All effects you see from green tea are probably due to the caffeine although a compound called epigallocatechin gallate might also be at work. If you are sensitive to caffeine, avoid supplements based on caffeine since too much can affect heart rhythm and lead to insomnia.
Myth №7: You can eat anything and just exercise to lose weight
Cutting calories by lining up what you eat is actually the most effective way to lose pounds. Ideally, taking in fewer calories and working out is a more efficient way of dropping waight, but for most people, passing up the chips is easier than sweating it out while running for one hour. Downing 150 calories from a can of Pepsi, for instance, takes only a few minutes, but would take an hour of intense walking to burn off. You can greatly countermine weight loss efforts and general health by not paying attention on the quality of the foods you eat. It is important to know nutrient density and calorie density of foods to maximize workout performance and improve health status.
Myth №8: Natural weight loss products do not have any side effect
If a supplement even a natural one can cause an effect, chances are it can cause a side effect as well. If you want to go natural, it is probably better to get what you are looking for in your food. Conjugated linoleic acid, for example, has received a lot of promotion as a weight-loss supplement, but there are few researches for its effectiveness. Though it may be useful in gaining more muscle and losing fat diet and workout can accomplish the same effect. If you consume a healthy diet, you will get CLA in eggs, meat and dairy products. So look at the quality of your diet.
Myth №9: Diet soda helps to lose weight
Most diet sodas are lower in calories because they do not include regular sugar. The problem is the artificial sweeteners that cause weight gain. Research shows that artificial sweeteners stimulate taste receptors which sense sweetness in gastro intestinal tract. Anticipating energy, the pancreas releases insulin. At the same time, chemicals are sent to the brain’s satiety center that becomes confused as to whether or not the body is actually gaining calories. As the body gets tricked by the sugar substitute, you crave more and begin to overeat in order to feel satisfied. As a result you feel even hungrier and less full, which can lead to obesity. Artificial sweeteners are more than 200 times sweeter than natural sugar. This is cause for concern since naturally sweet foods, such as fruits, won’t seem as sweet to a desensitized palate. Choose a healthier alternative, such as glass of seltzer with lime or lemon, the next time you reach for refreshing beverages.
Myth №10: The more calories people cut, the more weight they lose
It may seem illogical, but cutting too many calories from your diet can be bad for your waistline. Since 3500 calories are about a pound of fat, you would need to cut so many calories out of the diet every week to lose a pound each week. In order to do this, you would have to cut 499 calories a day to lose a pound a week. However, the problem with severely restricting diets is that they put your body into starvation mode, preventing it from burning extra fat. It is thought that this mechanism is a defense against starvation and helps the body make the most of the calories it gets from food and drink; to function your body looks to get some of calories from lean muscle. This result is muscle loss. Less muscle means a slower metabolic rate – and in this case weight loss.
bad diet plan
Myth №11: You gained it and you can lose it
It is, of course, possible to lose weight but gaining pounds take much less effort. You can consume hundreds or even thousands of calories more than you require with a little effort and every time you do, extra calories are stored in your body as fat. However, losing weight requires a sustained daily effort and you can only burn off or cut back so much beyond your baseline requirements. Real weight loss usually happens slowly over a long period of time with lots of plateaus along the way, something most people do not have the patience for. If it was easy, more people would pull it off.
Myth №12: Removing a food from the diet is the key to successful weight loss
Experts also caution against the idea that removing one specific food from the diet will magically make the weight melt off the body. Even though most diet books are based on this trick, it simply is not true. You may lose weight initially by limiting any certain food, but it is because you eat fewer calories. Most people can’t sustain it in the long term, so the approach is fated to failure.
Myth №13: Eating 6 small meals is best for weight loss
There is not enough evidence to support the idea that eating smaller and more frequent meals will improve weight loss results. For instance, a recent investigation found no weight-loss difference between dieters who eat their calories in 3 meals vs. 6 daily meals. And, in fact, another study in the same journal concluded that eating 2 large meals a day can be the ideal weight loss strategy for some people. Eating 6 meals a day can work for someone who has a lot of discipline, but for others, it is like offering an alcoholic a glass of wine 6 times a day. Not everyone’s willpower can take it.
Myth №14: Skipping meals is a great way for losing weight
Skipping meals is very bad idea. To lose weight and keep it off, you have to cut down the amount of calories you take in or increase the calories you burn through workout. But skipping meals altogether can result in poor nutrition and tiredness. You will also be more likely to snack on high-sugar and high-fat foods, which will result in weight gain.
Myth №15: Becoming vegetarian means to lose weight
Choosing a vegetarian eating plan with a low fat content can be helpful for weight loss but vegetarians same as not vegetarians can make food choices that contribute to weight gain as eating large amounts of high-calorie, high-fat foods or those with little nutritional value. Vegetarian diets should be as carefully planned as not vegetarian diets to make sure they are balanced.

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