

samedi 8 février 2014

Ways To Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up

If you feel like giving up on a special project it is very likely you have lost your motivation. You feel that you should keep going, but you lack stamina and desire. It is like drowning in the river, you slowly give up to struggle and go to the bottom. Here are some tips how to avoid such setbacks and to keep going forward.

1. Never forget the reason why you are chasing your goal
It is very likely that you had a valid reason for going after your goal. Losing your motivation gets you disconnected from the reason that fired you up in the beginning. Go back and focus on the outcome. Remind yourself why you started pursuing your goal.
And more importantly, try to recall how achieving your goals make you feel. Try to regain those feelings as much as possible; think of associated images and sounds. Always keep in mind what a big value your goal may bring to you, this is crucial; each time you want to quit think of the benefit the attainment of this goal may bring.

2. Think of past successes
Success breeds success
I am sure there are many goals that you have fulfilled in the past. They may be similar to your current goal or completely different. Whatever…
The fact that you have succeeded in the past and you can boast with your history of success is extremely important for your motivation. It means that you are able to achieve. You can use the same success principles that worked for you in the past to stick to your current goal completion.
Try to review the most recent goal that you achieved, what you did right and how you completed it. Did you have a feeling when you wanted to give up? If yes, how did you cope with it? Most probably the same road will lead you to success in the current case.

3. Think of the worst possible outcome
It is a very good and tested approach. It works well if the feeling is strong enough. Try to think about people who quit smoking or drinking because the doctors said they would die. Fear can be a very strong motivator, if used properly. Think what will happen if you continue to give up. Where will you end up being? What will be you life in a few months or even a year? Try to imagine vivid pictures and don’t underestimate the results. Think of the worst outcome and ask yourself, do you really want to be there?

5. Affirm you road to success
Affirming your way to success coupled with motivation will really give you a boost of energy and determination. Affirmations like: “ I can do this”, “I am a successful person”, “I have almost reached my goal”, “I am strong”, “ I am not afraid of obstacles and challenges”, etc. will help you a lot. Feel free to make as many affirmations of your own as you can. Repeat them many times, this will inspire you and fill you with positive emotions and desire to keep going.

6. Try to make your brain your ally
It is very important to control your brain and do not allow it to work against you. Sometimes, we don’t even realize how our brain may be sabotaging our best efforts. Ask yourself: What do you see or hear when you want to give up? Most likely, your mind will flash an image before you. It will be either a hard work to achieve you goal or a pleasure that you will have to give up.
We have all had cases, for example, when we are too lazy to go the gym, our brain tells us not to go, giving various reasons just prior your workout. You may think the weather is not good enough, or staying in bed will make you feel much more comfortable. All sorts of excuses will come up in your mind.
Every time you start struggling with your mind, try to see an image of some sort and hear some internal dialogue. This will provoke some feelings in your body. In order to stay motivated, you should get rid of those images and the relevant emotions. You will ask how? Simply alter the images and the sounds. Make them black and white, dark and miserable, stay far from them and you will feel the difference.
Such imagery helps you to decrease intensity of your feelings. You will notice that desire to quit has gone somewhere and you feel very motivated and productive. If you picture the desired outcome in your mind, you will go one step further. Use the same technique, imagine bright, big and colorful pictures and as soon as you have a positive feeling, get moving.

7. Join people who have what you want
It is a great source of inspiration to be with people who have already achieved what you’re are trying to achieve. Their success will make you motivated and your goals will seem more realistic knowing that someone has already succeeded. They are a living proof that everything can be achieved if you desire it strongly. Besides, they will share their experience, some tools and knowledge. They can tell you what they did and how they worked on motivation. They can be a great help when you are having tough times. Successful people are usually very supportive unlike those who have low aspirations. They know at what price the success has come and are willing to help others.

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