

dimanche 9 février 2014

10 Awesome Human Ultrasound Photos

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Ultrasound photos usually all look the same. It's a hazy, blurry, hard-to-make-out image of what your baby looks like in your womb at that current moment. Even though this is exciting for the parents themselves, other people look at ultrasound photos and think "ugh..not again. What do I even say? Your baby is beautiful? You can't even see it!" Well, if you're one of those people, I have news for you: these babies are awesome. These babies decided that they won't conform to the typical ultrasound poses and surprised their parents!
Check out these 10 fascinating human ultrasound photos:

1. Michael Jackson, Is That You?

Jacko In Utero? - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Dawn Kelley and William Hickman took a look at their ultrasound photo of their unborn 24-week old baby only to notice an unexpected face staring back: Michael Jackson. Thankfully, their baby was born with no Michael Jackson-esque features. 

via Geekologie

2. Thumb Up, All Is Well!

Thumbs Up - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Not only is this baby giving a thumbs up but the story behind it is touching. The first ultrasound of Donna and Simon Biscoe's baby showed an abnormality in the baby's skull. Worried for two weeks until the follow-up scan results came in to show their baby giving a thumbs up! Baby Biscoe was born with no anomalies! 

via Unique Daily

3. This Baby is Rock and Roll Even Before Birth

This Womb Rocks! - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Funnily enough the parents of this rock and rolling baby, Jeff and Susan Snow, are in fact musicians. This probably got them proud and excited to rock out with their baby, though I'm sure it was no surprise; they're both rock and roll after-all.  

via Broward Palm Beach

4. There Are Two Tenants in This Womb

Fetus Christ - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

This ultrasound gave some hope to Laura Turner and her husband, as the pregnancy was extremely difficult. They received the ultrasound and felt a moment of relief and comfort for they believe to see an image of Jesus Christ hovering over their unborn son.

photo source via Outhouse Rag
via Daily Mail

5. Silly Baby Is So Silly

Raspberries - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

This 3-D ultrasound shows this baby being extremely silly! S/he must have given their parents a good laugh. 

6. I Come In Peace

Peace, Baby - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

This baby is clearly coming into the world with  the right intentions and right attitude! 

via Skirmisher

7. I Pick You

Picking a Winner - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

You caught him in the act! Can't a fetus have a little privacy? They'll have their entire life to be monitored by the public! 

via Photobucket

8. Flipping the Bird

Flipping the Bird - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Uh-oh, this guy doesn't mess around. "You invade my personal bubble? F-you!" 

via Flickr

9. Say Cheeeeeeeeeeese 

Smiling Fetus - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

This 17 week old fetus smiles for the shot! 
via Unique Daily

10. Ma'am, You May Be Giving Birth to a Turtle 
Turtle Power - https://www.facebook.com/different.solutions.page

Expecting to see something that would look like a human fetus, the parents instead were shocked to see that their baby looked a lot like a Mario Brothers turtle. The husband had this to say about his wife "I think maybe Amy has been playing too much Nintendo." 

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